School Improvement Plan
Goal 2: Whole Child, Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals
Focus Area: No Exclusionary Discipline
Spring 2022: 99% of Nautilus scholars have received no exclusionary discipline
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 99%
Focus Area: Regular Attendance
Spring 2022: 50% of Nautilus scholars attended school regularly.
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 90% in regular attendance.
Signature Strategies:
Design, implement, and monitor a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to adhere and respond to academic and social-emotional needs of students toward mastery of core subjects.
Ensure systems for social-emotional support (Culturally Responsive PBIS, Second Step, SEL integrated throughout, Character Strong, Zones of Regulation, Kelso Choices) are implemented school-wide; all staff and students are taught, provided with frequent feedback to implement with fidelity.
Goal 4: Content-Area Competence, Mastery of All Subjects
Focus Area: ELA SBA
Spring 2022: 49%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 65%
Focus Area: Math SBA
Spring 2022: 41%
Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 61%
Signature Strategies:
Develop and implement with fidelity a culturally responsive, standards-aligned, guaranteed and viable curriculum, instruction, and assessment system in ALL core subjects in every school and every classroom.
Engage Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in a cycle of inquiry using multiple measures to inform and adjust instruction while disaggregating data through an equity lens (interim common assessments-district and building level).