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About Us


Our mission at Nautilus is to Prepare, Inspire, and Educate all students.


Our vision is to be a high performing school community with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics that prepares all students to compete lead, and exceed in an ever changing world.

Who We Are

  • Administration that provides a safe, supportive, and positive K-8 learning environment.
  • Teachers and support staff who dedicate time for professional learning, collaboration, and the development of culturally responsive integrated curriculum.
  • Student-scholars who take ownership in their growth through project-based, collaborative learning opportunities.
  • Families who are active partners in the shared responsibility of ensuring student success.
  • Community partnerships that support student engagement inside and outside the classroom.

"Nautilus staff members are dedicated professionals, committed to providing the highest quality education for their students. The staff meets regularly to coordinate curriculum, plan projects,and share resources. The entire school celebrates the high standards and expectations that students meet every day. Our Mission is to PrepareInspire and Education all students!"

-Nautilus School Profile

Find out more about Nautilus K-8 by reading our School Profile. Learn about our academic programs, assessment results, and more.